
NASA Photo ID: Title:

AS17-134-20380 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan salutes deployed U.S. flag on lunar surface

AS17-134-20384 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt next to deployed U.S. flag on lunar surface

AS17-134-20425 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt collects lunar rake samples during EVA

AS17-134-20426 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt collects lunar rake samples during EVA

AS17-134-20435 image text Wide-angle view of Apollo 17 lunar landing site

AS17-134-20454 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt seated in Lunar Roving Vehicle during EVA-3

AS17-134-20466 image text Close-up view of U.S. flag deployed on Moon by Apollo 17 crew

AS17-134-20473 image text View of Earth above the antenna of the lunar roving vehicle during EVA

AS17-134-20476 image text View of Astronaut Eugene Cernan beside lunar roving vehicle during EVA

AS17-134-20481 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan prepares to mount ladder to lunar module ascent stage

AS17-134-20530 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt inside the lunar module on lunar surface after EVA

AS17-137-20910 image text View of boulder photographed during second Apollo 17 EVA

AS17-137-20979 image text Close-up of lunar roving vehicle at Apollo 17 Taurus-Littrow landing site

AS17-137-20989 image text View of the orange soil which Apollo 17 crewmen found at Station 4 during EVA

AS17-137-20990 image text View of the orange soil which Apollo 17 crewmen found at Station 4 during EVA

AS17-137-20992 image text Wide-angle view of Station 4 during Apollo 17 second EVA

AS17-137-21011 image text View of lunarscape at Station 4 with Astronaut Schmitt working at LRV

AS17-140-21388 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan walks toward LRV during EVA

AS17-140-21438 image text View of boulder found at Station 6 by Apollo 16 astronauts

AS17-140-21494 image text View of Lunar Roving Vehicle parked at Station 6 by Apollo 16 astronauts

AS17-140-21496 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to boulder during third EVA

AS17-145-22157 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt uses scoop to retrieve lunar samples during EVA

AS17-145-22165 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt retrieving lunar samples during EVA

AS17-145-22183 image text Panoramic view of Station 5 (Camelot Crater) during Apollo 17 EVA-2

AS17-145-22224 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan inside the lunar module on lunar surface after EVA

AS17-145-22254 image text Apollo 17 Command/Service modules photographed from lunar module in orbit

AS17-145-22273 image text Apollo 17 Command/Service modules photographed from lunar module in orbit

AS17-145-22285 image text View of Eratosthenes and Copernicus craters

AS17-145-22287 image text Oblique view of Copernicus crater

AS17-146-22294 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to boulder during third EVA

AS17-146-22367 image text View of the Lunar Roving Vehicle in its final parking space

AS17-147-22465 image text Apollo 17 Command/Service Modules backdropped against lunar landing site

AS17-147-22523 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan drives the Lunar Roving Vehicle during first EVA

AS17-147-22526 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan drives the Lunar Roving Vehicle during first EVA

AS17-147-22527 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan drives the Lunar Roving Vehicle during first EVA

AS17-148-22688 image text View Lunar Module from the Apollo 17 spacecraft during transposition/docking

AS17-148-22714 image text View of the expended Saturn IVB stage after transposition/docking

AS17-148-22717 image text View of Africa and Madagascar from the Apollo 17 spacecraft

AS17-148-22718 image text View of Saudia Arabia and north eastern Africa from the Apollo 17 spacecraft

AS17-148-22727 image text View of the Earth seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon

AS17-148-22742 image text View of the Earth seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon

AS17-149-22857 image text View of the Lunar Module "Challenger" in lunar orbit

AS17-152-23274 image text Cresent Earth rises above lunar horizon

AS17-152-23279 image text Cresent Earth eclipsed by silhouetted horizon of the moon

AS17-152-23311 image text Full disc of moon photographed by Apollo 17 crewmen during transearth coast

AS17-152-23374 image text Astronaut Ronald Evans photographed during transearth coast EVA

AS17-152-23391 image text Astronaut Ronald Evans photographed during transearth coast EVA

AS17-152-23393 image text Astronaut Ronald Evans photographed during transearth coast EVA

AS17-162-24049 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan sleeping aboard Apollo 17 spacecraft

AS17-162-24053 image text Astronauts Evans and Cernan aboard the Apollo 17 spacecraft

AS17-162-24063 image text View of equipment used for Heat Flow and Convection Experiment

AS17-163-24122 image text Candid photo of Astronaut Eugene Cernan aboard Apollo 17 spacecraft

AS17-163-24129 image text Astronaut Eugene Cernan eating a meal aboard Apollo 17 spacecraft

S71-51273 image text Portrait of Astronaut Ronald E. Evans

S71-51308 image text Portrait of Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan

S71-52260 image text Portrait of Astronaut Harrison H. Schmidt

S72-01706 image text Photograph of Apollo 17 lunar landing site location

S72-01716 image text Photograph of Apollo 17 lunar landing site location

S72-01718 image text Photograph of Apollo 17 lunar landing site location

S72-03145 image text Photograph of Apollo 17 Lunar Roving Vehicle traverses

S72-37253 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment: Lunar Surface Gravimeter

S72-37255 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment: Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment

S72-37257 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment: Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment

S72-37259 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-37260 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-44420 image text Apollo 17 Astronaut Eugene Cernan during EVA training

S72-44421 image text Apollo 17 Astronaut Eugene Cernan during EVA training

S72-44423 image text Apollo 17 Astronauts during EVA training

S72-48728 image text Apollo 17 rollout to launch pad

S72-48729 image text Apollo 17 rollout to launch pad

S72-48730 image text Apollo 17 rollout to launch pad

S72-48854 image text Apollo 17 crewmembers examine rock specimens during geological field trip

S72-48859 image text Apollo 17 crewmembers examine rock specimens during geological field trip

S72-48864 image text Apollo 17 crewmembers ride Lunar Roving Vehicle during geological field trip

S72-48888 image text Apollo 17 crewmen during EVA training

S72-48889 image text Apollo 17 crewmen during EVA training

S72-48890 image text Apollo 17 crewmen during EVA training

S72-48891 image text Apollo 17 crewmen during EVA training

S72-48892 image text Apollo 17 crewmen during EVA training

S72-49079 image text Emblem of the Apollo 17 lunar landing misison

S72-49482 image text Optical Recorder of the Lunar Sounder Experiment

S72-49760 image text Artist's concept of topographical layout of Taurus-Littrow landing site

S72-49761 image text Artist's concept of topographical layout of Taurus-Littrow landing site

S72-49970 image text Astronaut Ronald Evans is suited up for EVA training

S72-49971 image text Astronaut Ronald Evans is suited up for EVA training

S72-50268 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt participates in simulation aboard KC-135

S72-50270 image text Astronauts Cernan and Rossa participate in simulation aboard KC-135

S72-50271 image text Astronauts Cernan and Rossa participate in simulation aboard KC-135

S72-50438 image text Apollo 17 prime crew portrait

S72-53470 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiments

S72-53471 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiments

S72-53472 image text Artist's concept of radar beams of Apollo 17 Lunar Sounder will probe surface

S72-53950 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-53951 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-53952 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-53953 image text Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment equipment

S72-54413 image text Photograph of Apollo 17 lunar landing site location

S72-54813 image text Nighttime scene at Pad A, Launch Complex 39 showing Apollo 17 space vehicle

S72-54881 image text Mission Operations Control Center during Apollo 17 launch

S72-54999 image text Seismometer reading viewed in ALSEP Room in Misson Control during Apollo 17

S72-55064 image text Television transmission of Astronaut Eugene Cernan using Lunar Surface Drill

S72-55065 image text Television transmission of Astronaut Harrison Schmitt with geophone module

S72-55070 image text Launch of the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission

S72-55166 image text Television transmission of Astronaut Harrison Schmitt falling during EVA

S72-55170 image text Personnel in Mission Control conferring on repair to LRV fender

S72-55417 image text View of the plaque to be left on the moon by the Apollo 17 astronauts

S72-55420 image text Television transmission of Astronauts Cernan & Schmitt sending greetings

S72-55421 image text Apollo 17 lunar module "Challenger" liftoff from Taurus-Littrow landing site

S72-55423 image text Apollo 17 lunar module "Challenger" liftoff from Taurus-Littrow landing site

S72-55482 image text Launch of the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission

S72-55834 image text Apollo 17 command module splashdown in South Pacific Ocean

S72-55937 image text Apollo 17 crew arrive aboard the U.S.S. Ticonderoga

S72-56147 image text Apollo 17 command module in South Pacific Ocean before recovery operations

S72-56362 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt looks at "orange" soil brought back by Apollo 17

S73-15083 image text Photomicrograph of sphere and fragments in "orange" soil from Apollo 17

S73-15171 image text Photomicrograph of sphere and fragments in "orange" soil from Apollo 17

S73-15713 image text View of Apollo 17 lunar rock sample no. 76055

S73-16007 image text View of Apollo 17 lunar rock sample no. 72255

S73-16198 image text View of Apollo 17 lunar rock sample no. 72415,0

S73-16199 image text View of Apollo 17 lunar rock sample no. 72415,0

S73-22871 image text Astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to boulder during third EVA

S73-38345 image text Two of Apollo 17 crewmen join in commemoration of their lunar landing mission

S73-38346 image text Two of Apollo 17 crewmen join in commemoration of their lunar landing mission

S82-26645 image text Apollo glove assembly

S82-26647 image text Apollo glove assembly, helmet and space food

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